嘉惠网站的运营商是:AirPlus International GmbHDornhofstraße 1063263 Neu-IsenburgGermany上海办公室:上海市长宁区长宁路1133号长宁来福士广场写字楼1座38楼3809-3815室电话:+86 21 6075 6222传真:+86 21 6075 1380电子邮箱: china@airplus.com 网址: www.airplus.com 中国区领导层:董事会主席Erik Mosch先生
Please note: As of June 25, 2024, Lufthansa AirPlus Servicekarten GmbH has been renamed to AirPlus International GmbH.We are in the process of updating our documents, materials, and touchpoints and ask you for your patience during this time of transformation.If you find a document or webpage which still contains the old company name, please reach out to us directly at airplusmarketing@airplus.com